residentialarchitecturalformofdistinction,andnowthe constructionofurbanresidentialandindependentresidential andordinaryresidentialunitstwo.Thenumberofdetached housesisverysmall,mainlyintheformoflowrisevillas. Apartmenthousesarethemostcommonformofresidential buildingsinthecity.Theyareusuallymulti-storey,middle andhighlevels,...
August 31, 2008 Buy It For The Name, Keep It For The Cute: Skummis Plush Creature I don't know what a filur is in Swedish besides a house music band and a military drone plane designed by Saab. But I do know what Skummis are: justsocuteiwannaeatthemup! Whether it's a blobby...
We had a small graduating class at U-High (57) and some of us were classmates since 4-year-old kindergarten. Our class reunions are like family reunions to me. I was delighted to stay with my dear friend Leslie and her husband Tim, who were gracious hosts even though they were both ...
approximately 10.5 million people worked on farms across the country. However, a three-year drought between 1934 and 1937 devastated the majority of those farms, which were located in the Midwest. Windstorms swept away much of the rich soil rendered dry and dusty from lack of rain, and nothing...
There was a case about a school out west that was going to start providing sex education to kindergarten children. Another school was giving condoms to sixth graders. While these schools may have good intentions, it is understandable that the parents that have children in these school districts...