TheLost Tribe Predatorswere a type of Predators who hunted together in Los Angeles in the late 90ties. They had darker skin than the Classic Predators and liked to use different types of weapons to hunt their human prey. Their weapons included the disc, speargun and combi-stick. They were ...
“LeWand offers a really smooth vibe—some wands feel like they're about to pulse right out of your hand, but this one had a really stable handle,” WH's reviewer said, noting that it's a “really elegant” vibrator, both in form and function.. “I also like that it has so many...
A hand guard for combat sports includes a flexible envelope in leather or imitation leather and elastic interior foam padding. In order to obtain optimum cushioning and shock absorption, the padding is made in one piece of a mold (1) high ability to open-cell polyurethane foam shock absorbing...
neurosis, generally outmoded term used to refer to mental disorderscharacterizedbyanxiety,depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress. Neuroses typically were associated with a sense of distress and a deficit in functioning to the extent that they threatened to impair a person’s ability...
production to the large-scale production of theIndustrial Revolution. On the military side, these weapons entered service at a time when the scale of ground forces employed in battle was increasing. The ability to manufacture large numbers of muskets enabled military leaders to equip these mass ...
and in most cases, hand-to-hand combat. Most fighting games feature a stable of playable characters, each one specializing in their own unique abilities or fighting style. In most traditional fighting games, players fight their way to the top, taking on more and more difficult opponents as th...
Adventure games are quite immersive, often revolving around combat, puzzle-solving, and discovery. Examples: Legends of Andor | The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth See the Best Adventure Board Games Area Control Games In most area control games, you’re trying to have more power ...
Tactics are her wheelhouse, and while she lacks the emotional concerns of her sister Sansa, she is fully adept in the physical world of combat. Lady Melisandre – INFJ Melisandre always has a vision, however abstract, of what is going to happen. A long-term strategist, she keeps her ...
Lauren Kim Open Hand Combat (not enough ratings) $25 Add to Cart Quick Look DCU Motions DCU motions: basic pack (7) $15 Add to Cart Quick Look DCU Motions DCU motions: Female (not enough ratings) $15 Add to Cart More from DCU MotionsSee more Quick Look DCU Motions DCU motions: basi...
The clitoris is a small, nerve-dense structure seated at the top of the vaginal opening, and serves no function other than to provide sexual pleasure. "If you’ve never had an orgasm before, you want to start with the clitoris," Marin says. ...