4:holidays 专指圣诞节、复活节等节日任何假日 5:sanctuary 圣所、圣殿避难所、庇护所 2:Specialization(词义的缩小)Meaning:“Specialization”isalsoatermofLatinoriginreferringofmeaning.“deer”原义:animal缩小后的意义:deer “artillery”原义:munitionsofwar(军需品)缩小后的意义:mountedguns(安装枪)
Soldiers in World Wars I and II had several other names for the weapons, however, such as pineapples, in reference to their shape and bumpy shells. Read More Time-Delay Grenade The most common type of grenade on the battlefield is the time-delay fragmentation anti-personnel hand grenade...
Space Cowboy's ship hauling a load of laser-handguns to a war on the planet Umateal. Note how rocket engines are on outriggers, to prevent exhaust from damaging the cargo from Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) Space Cowboy's ship from Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) Space Cowboy's ship...
Percussion methods of firing guns have long been in universal use. In the most common procedure, pulling the trigger releases a hammer, which strikes an impact-sensitive explosive mixture. This explosion then ignites the black powder or other powder charge. ...
An example: a high-school has lockers so that students have some place to put their Guns'n'Roses posters. Each locker has a code combination. When a student wants a new locker, they tell the locker supervisor which locker number they want and he gives them the code. However, if someone...
code is currently beeing rewritten to only use litesql, but does not support all the features of this code base. Visualize loot as a list from database Automatically creates Sub-types for weapon items and links items that are used together (guns, ammo, mags,...) ...
With this out of the way, let’s pull out the big guns. Follow-Up Survey Email: 8 Golden Rules to Remember If you’ve had no success with your survey follow-up emails, things are about to change for the better. Behold a few practical tips that you can use to optimize your follow-...
Of course, there's a darker side to the call-outs, because they allow you to make... suggestions, to your teammates. This begins on the dropship, where you'll be repeatedly told, "That's a good place to land." But it extends to the battlefield, too. ...
Figures. At least guns don’t burn. I wouldn’t be sticking around if they hadn’t cuffed me to the bed, and set it beside yours—someone in blue has a sick sense of irony. There are birds fluttering by the windowpane, and whispers of white amidst pastels of blue. Your burns will ...
I'm also guessing some of the guns will have access to mods or barrels/attachments that'll make one ammo type or another run better on one gun or another, and that (imo) would be great if it was the case. I'm guessing AP ammo is primarily aimed at the body armor/barrier mechanic...