mobile robot navigation, and off-planet terrestrial rovers. In a nutshell, sensor cameras enable your robots to perceive the environment in real-time, allowing for the implementation of vision-guided robotic applications in your
There are a lot more Anthem info out there right now.EA has revealed all the waysplayers can get to play Anthem early. End game players will be glad to know that Anthem’s versions of raidswill have matchmaking, though item trading won’t be available in the game. Finally, d...
which operate below the surface,seesubmarine. Detailed discussion of weapons used by warships can be found in other articles. For early naval cannon,seemilitary technology; for guided antiship and antiaircraft missiles,seerocket and missile system; for naval airplanes, jets, and helicopters,seemilita...
guided missiles. The conventional lasers are based on the emissions arising from bound atoms and molecules. In FEL, on the other hand, the electrons are not bound but clustered into bunches and comprise of carefully controlled beam, which is accelerated close to the speed of light in an ...
of being guided or directed to a target after having been launched.Tactical guided missilesare shorter-ranged weapons designed for use in the immediate combat area. Long-range, orstrategic, guided missiles are of two types, cruise andballistic.Cruise missilesare powered by air-breathing engines ...
Antitank guided missile, medium or long-range missile whose primary purpose is to destroy tanks and other armoured vehicles. A variety of rockets and missiles are employed against armoured vehicles, but the most sophisticated are antitank guided missiles
capable of remaining underwater for months at a time and of firing long-range nuclear missiles without surfacing, became an important strategic weapon platform. Armed with torpedoes as well as antiship and antisubmarine missiles, the nuclear attack submarine has also become a key element of naval...
Armed with torpedoes as well as antiship and antisubmarine missiles, the nuclear attack submarine has also become a key element of naval warfare. Following is a history of the development of submarines from the 17th century to the present. For a history of other warships, see naval ship. ...
1 weighs 13.5 tons, has a three-man crew, can carry eight infantrymen, and is armed with a turret-mounted 73-mmgun. A later version, the BMP-2, introduced in the early 1980s, is armed with a high-velocity 30-mm cannon; both versions carry externally mounted antitank guided missiles....
missiles; ground-support, orattack, aircraft, which operate at loweraltitudesthanbombersand air-superiorityfightersand attack tanks, troop formations, and other ground targets; transport and cargo planes, big-bodied craft with large amounts of interior space for carrying weapons, equipment, supplies, ...