cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies Yes Yes No edgenodes No No No profiles Yes Yes No profiles / endpoints Yes Yes NoMicrosoft.CertificateRegistrationImportant See App Service move guidance.Expand table Resource typeResource groupSubscriptionRegion move certificateorders Yes Yes NoMicrosoft...
At Microsoft, we mitigate the risks associated with privileged accounts through the principle of Zero Standing Access (ZSA). It enables Microsoft to operate its services without persistent privileged user accounts. Combined with Just-In-Time (JIT) and Just-Enough-Access (JEA), ZSA provides a ro...
Ch 12.Windows Containers in Windows Server... Ch 13.Security Policies, Group Policies &... Ch 14.Security Policies, Application... Ch 15.Maintaining & Monitoring Windows Server... Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons Search Browse ...
WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlot200Response WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlotdefaultResponse WebAppsListBasicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesSlotParameters WebAppsListByResourceGroup WebAppsListByResourceGroup200Response WebAppsListByResourceGroupdefaultResponse WebAppsListByResourceGrou...
This topic describes the types of logs supported by Security Center V1.0 log dictionaries and the fields in each type of log. Log types supported by different editions The security capabilities and supported log types vary based on the editions of Security Center. In full protection mode, the...
Access to and use of any Home Use Copy is subject to the following conditions: (a) the number of Home Use Copies that You or Your employees install may not exceed the number of seats you have purchased for the Multi User Offering; (b) You must follow the processes and policies set ...
AMS leverages the foundational OUs based on AWS best practices as a way to logically manage accounts using Service Control Policies (SCPs). This serves as a way to enforce the governance framework with each AMS mode. Any governance and security guardrails (in the form of SCPs) applied to th...
Customers define policies using Active Directory (AD) RMS for “Sensitive” data Ideal for highly sensitive data that will not be shared outside of the enterprise. Benefits: Microsoft does not have access to on-premise self-hosted keys.
As a Teams Admin, I can get a .csv file containing a lot of useful information about all the 5000+ teams created in my organisation on the Manage Teams...
ms-PKI-RA-Application-Policies ms-PKI-RA-Policies ms-PKI-RA-Signature ms-PKI-RoamingTimeStamp ms-PKI-Site-Name ms-PKI-Supersede-Templates ms-PKI-Template-Minor-Revision ms-PKI-Template-Schema-Version msRADIUSCallbackNumber ms-RADIUS-FramedInterfaceId msRADIUSFramedIPAddress ms-RADIUS-FramedIpv6Pre...