Event Grid Event Hubs Fabric Features Fluid Relay Front Door Functions Grafana Graph Services Hana on Azure Hardware Security Modules HDInsight Health Bot Health Data AI Services Healthcare APIs Hybrid Compute Hybrid Connectivity Hybrid Container Service Hybrid Kubernetes Identity Image Builder Image Search...
Reference Overview Agrifood AI API Center API Management App Compliance Automation App Configuration App Platform App Service Overview Management Resource Management - App Service Overview @azure-rest/arm-appservice Overview AbnormalTimePeriod AbnormalTimePeriodOutput Address AddressOutput AddressResponse Add...
GridAfter GridBefore GridColumn GridSpan GrowAutofit GutterAtTop GutterOnRight Header HeaderFooterReferenceType HeaderFooterType HeaderFooterValues HeaderReference HeaderShapeDefaults HeaderSource HeightRuleValues HelpText Hidden HideGrammaticalErrors HideMark HideSpellingErrors Highlight HighlightColorValues Horizontal...
eventgrid.v2020_04_01_preview com.azure.storage.common com.azure.storage.common.policy com.azure.storage.common.sas com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor.internal com.microsoft.durabletask.azurefunctions.internal.中间件 com.microsoft.azure...
String Reference (R) A pointer to a symbolic string. This appears as - String Reference. Example: Display Name - String Reference. Example: for the Account List Applet the value of Title - String Reference is SBL_ACCOUNTS-1004224727-0H5. In the Symbolic String Locale object, there is a ...
If a value exists in the String Reference property, then Siebel Tools uses this value instead of the value that the String Reference property contains. Siebel Tools displays a string override as property_name-String Override. For example: Display Name - String Override String Reference (R) ...
The first six bands are VNIR (bands 1 to 3) and SWIR (bands 4 to 6) with a spatial resolution of 500 m, and all the other bands have a spatial resolution of 1 km. SLSTR products are classified into the following gridded product types: Sea Surface Temperature Land Surface Temperature ...
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backgrid backo2 backoff backstopjs bad-words badwords bagpipes baidu-aip-sdk baidu-app baidumap-web-sdk bakong-khqr balanced-match bandagedbd__bdapi barbellweights barco-eventmaster barcode bardjs baretest base-64 base16 base32-encoding base45 base58-random base62-random base64-async base64-em...
Within this set of cell types, we suspect that the observation of platelets as a majority cell type, rather than megakaryocytes2, likely reflects annotation differences in reference data. We observed distinct transcriptional contributions from solid tissue-specific cell types from the intestine, liver...