MARINE algaeGreen macroalgae, known locally as Latoh, is one of the green seaweeds consumed by the local community in Jepara and is beneficial for health. This study explores the potential of secondary metabolites from seaweed and its symbiotic bacteria as natural food preservatives an...
藻的分類Typesofalgae Spirogyra(水綿類)Fucus(岩藻類)水綿結構 -屬藻類中的綠藻-表面有一層黏液覆蓋-細胞質中有帶螺旋排列的葉綠體-細胞呈筒狀並構成不分枝的絲狀體-細胞內有一大型的中央液泡-細胞質大部分位於細胞的周圍-細胞核懸浮於液泡中 Spirogyra(水綿)Structureofspirogyra -greenalgae-outersurfaceiscovered...
Answer to: Briefly compare the two types of algae: the unicellular algae and the multicellular algae. By signing up, you'll get thousands of...
It consists of thin, unbranched filaments and is known as free-floating algae. 5. Conclusion: Therefore, the statement that Ulothrix and Spirogyra are types of fungi is incorrect. They are both types of green algae. --- Show More
Algae Algae is a plant that mostly grows in water, but it lacks a system of vessels for carrying fluids. Types of Plants Did you know that botanists (scientists who study plants) believe there are about 300,000 types of plant species on Earth? There are other types of plants that we ha...
Nutrient pollution, also called eutrophication, is another type of water pollution. It is when nutrients, such asnitrogen, are added into bodies of water. The nutrient works like fertilizer and makes algae grow at excessive rates, according toNOAA. The algae blocks light from other plants. The...
Predicting multiple types of disease-miRNA associations can further broaden our understanding about the molecular basis of diseases in the level of miRNAs. In this study, the model of Restricted Boltzmann machine for multiple types of miRNA-disease association prediction (RBMMMDA) was developed to ...
31.Green Terror Image Credit: Natalia Sidorova, Shutterstock The green terror didn’t get its name by chance. These fiery fish are pretty bossy, so be aware of that before you decide it’s right for you. They do best with intermediate aquarists and need at least 35 gallons for a singular...
Her cargo to Zhuxing, the Chinese colony world orbiting Zeta Doradus, had been precision tools manufactured only on Earth, and she was departing with a load of Zhuxing’s native version of blue-green algae. This particular species was neither blue-green nor algae, but the microbes, reddish ...
organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticule etc. are not found in a prokaryotic cell, ribosomes are present in it. Only the unwrapped DNA constitutes the chromosomal structure of a prokaryotic cell. For example, blue, green algae and bacteria are constituted of this type of ...