Ch 16.Glaciers Ch 17.Oceans Ch 18.Coastal Hazards Ch 19.Earth's Atmosphere Ch 20.Weather, Air Masses & Storms Ch 21.Earthquakes Ch 22.Earth History Ch 23.Energy Resources Ch 24.Studying for Earth Science 101 How Telescopes Detect & Measure Light ...
As the hunter-gatherer Ice Age cultures of the Upper Paleolithic eventually gave way to the warmer and more settled conditions of the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras, Stone Age man abandoned his caves and his cave art for ever. The glaciers of the north began to disappear while vast forests co...
they found that the types of disgust in the brain were more closely linked to the actions that people need to take to avoid disease—for example by not touching oozing skin lesions or approaching people with bad body odour. This corresponds to an evolutionary...