There are over 150 different GIS file extensions that exist that are exclusively for GIS. But this doesn’t even include AutoCAD and common image formats. For more information, see ourlist of GIS formats. The most common GIS file type is shapefiles. Even theUSGS Earth Explorer accepts shapef...
Enumerates types of files that can be items in a portal. The PortalFileType can be one of: ConstantValueDescription PortalFileType::Unknown -1 Unknown file type. PortalFileType::CSV 0 Comma-separated value text file. PortalFileType::Shapefile 1 Shapefile. PortalFileType::TilePackage 2 Tile packag...
A simple API that can generate various types of hexagon grids - returns GeoJSON data or load into PostGIS with performant JDBC. - basonjui/hexagon-grid-system
A GeoBIM Application item type is the end-user ArcGIS web application that allows stakeholders involved with the life cycle of engineered assets (infrastructure, buildings) to access with different views of these assets including GIS, BIM, project management, and schedule information. GeoBIM Project...
GIS Cloud supports different kinds of data formats. Here is a quick list : Spatial Vector files: .shp, .mif, .mid, .tab, .kml, .gpx, .dxf, SQLite Spatial Raster files: .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .png, .gif, .img, .sid, .jp2 Image files: .jpg, .gif, .swf, .png, .img, ....
Creates a new instance of BlobEventTypes value.Method Details fromString public static BlobEventTypes fromString(String name) Creates or finds a BlobEventTypes from its string representation. Parameters: name - a name to look for. Returns: the corresponding BlobEventTypes.values...
db.Exec("INSERT INTO postgis_table (point_column) VALUES (ST_GeomFromEWKB(?))",ewkb.Value(orb.Point{1,2},4326), )row:=db.QueryRow("SELECT ST_AsBinary(point_column) FROM postgis_table")varporb.Pointerr:=row.Scan(ewkb.Scanner(&p)) ...
Imagery basemap—A processed, orthorectified image or collection of image tiles that has the integrity of a map and is used for a reference. Image basemaps are commonly used for a backdrop to GIS data for context and are often color balanced for optimum visual appeal. Thus, they may ...
Various types of files are the elements that constitute the whole archives work and an important part of archival science and research contents. In 2013,there are 2277 references of " various types of files" under the subject " files and museum" of the category of " scientific and technical ...
If you prefer to work with the pre-4.0 types, you can still do so by using the Npgsql.LegacyPostgis plugin. Setup To use the GeoJSON plugin, simply add a dependency on Npgsql.GeoJSON and set it up: using Npgsql; // Place this at the beginning of your program to use NetTopology...