In a tropical rainforest days usually last 12 hours, with temperatures averaging around 77 degrees F. A surplus of rain and high insolation (sunlight) are other year-round attributes of a tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforests cover the Amazon region, as well as equatorial regions in Africa,...
Root Rot: A root-damaging disease caused by soggy soil, poor drainage, or soil fungi. Leaf Spot: A fungal infection characterized by irregular yellow or brown spots, dying foliage, and falling leaves. You can protect your plant from infestations by wiping its leaves regularly, avoiding overwate...
Impact of Land Use Types on Spore Abundance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Humid Tropical Rainforest, Southeast NigeriaAbundancearbuscular mycorrhizal fungihumid tropicsland use typessporeThe study assessed spore populations of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in selected land use types (...
which quicklydecomposewhatever organic matter exists.Fungion the soil surface play an important role in the availability and distribution of nutrients, particularly in the northern coniferous forests. Some species of fungi live in partnership with the tree roots, while others are parasitically destructive...
Additionally, some authors have suggested that the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which are associated with grape roots enhance water uptake and the absorption of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, which are important for improving the nutritional status of the grapevine [75]. The ...
Thepygmy parrots of the subfamily Micropsittinae all belong to thegenusMicropsitta. The six species areendemicto New Guinea and nearby islands. These are the smallest members of the family. They live in forests, where they eat insects and fungi. ...
Gray parrots are common in the rainforest, where they eat fruits and seeds; they damage crops but are important propagators of the oil palm. Britannica Quiz Ultimate Bird Trivia Quiz Among other proficient mimics are the Amazon parrots (Amazona). The 31 species of Amazons are chunky birds,...
that exist. Not surprisingly, it is practiced mostly by totalparasites, such asbroomrapes(in which the finding of the specific host is a problem), and mycoheterotrophs (plants that live in close association with fungi that provide most of the plants’ nutrition). Many arborealorchidsalso have ...