英语诗歌的类型TypesofPoetry PartIITypesofpoetry I.Narrativepoetry叙事诗-tellingastory-givingaverbalrepresentationofasequenceofconnectedeventsandpropelscharactersthroughaplot-narrator 1 1.Epic史诗2.-recountinginacontinuousnarrativethelifeandaction ofaheroicormythologicalpersonorgroupofpersons3.-Homer:IliadandOdyssey...
1、1,Part II Types of poetry,I. Narrative poetry 叙事诗 - telling a story - giving a verbal representation of a sequence of connected events and propels characters through a plot - narrator,2,1. Epic 史诗 - recounting in a continuous narrative the life and action of a heroic or ...
英语诗歌的类型TypesofPoetry PartIITypesofpoetry ❖I.Narrativepoetry叙事诗 ❖--tellingastory ❖--givingaverbalrepresentationofasequenceofconnectedeventsandpropelscharactersthroughaplot ❖--narrator 精选课件 1 ❖1.Epic史诗 ❖--recountinginacontinuousnarrativethelifeandactionofaheroicormythologicalperson...
Found PoetryFound poetry is created by taking existing texts, such as newspaper articles or advertisements, and rearranging them to create a new poem. This form of poetry allows for a unique interpretation of the original text and can be a commentary on society or a personal reflection....
Poetry is an art form that, for much of its history, has been defined by how it adheres to (or defies) its own tradition. And part of that rich tradition is the poetic forms that have been championed by each generation's leading writers. To understand where poetry is going next, read...
Not all poems have a rhyme scheme, a form, or a meter. A poem might have one or two of these, or it could have all three. Many types of poetry are defined by a specific form, rhyme scheme, or meter. When you set out to write a poem, think about which form—if any—best suit...
An Acrostic is a simple poetry form, newer than the rest on this page. The Acrostic is a poem that uses a poem’s up and down letters to spell a word or phrase. In this poem, the first letter spells a word. Here is a list of the most popular poetry forms. These are classic for...
根据第二段“Actually, haiku is a form of poetry made up of three non-rhyming lines. (实际上,俳句是一种由三行不押韵的诗句组成的诗歌形式。)”可知,俳句诗歌是非常短的诗歌形式。故选B。【2】推理判断题。根据第三段前两句“One of the poetic favorites is pastoral(田园的)poetry because it means ...
Poetry is an art form that, for much of its history, has been defined by how it adheres to (or defies) its own tradition. And part of that rich tradition is the poetic forms that have been championed by each generation's leading writers. To understand where poetry is going next, read...
英语诗歌的类型 Types of Poet ry.ppt,Part II Types of poetry I. Narrative poetry 叙事诗 -- telling a story -- giving a verbal representation of a sequence of connected events and propels characters through a plot -- narrator 1. Epic 史诗 -- recounting in