Some kind of noodles4. Dim sums5. Soups6. Sweet snacks. No.1 Rice-based Foods白饭 plain white rice 稀饭 rice porridge 糯米饭 glutinous rice 卤肉饭 braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg八宝饭 rice puddingNo.2 Common Dishes清蒸鱼 steamed fish 红烧鱼 stewed fish with soy sauce 清炒...
1.Rice-basedfoods 2.Commondishes 3.Somekindofnoodles 4.Dimsums 5.Soups 6.Sweetsnacks. No.1Rice-basedFoods 白饭plainwhiterice 稀饭riceporridge 糯米饭glutinousrice 卤肉饭braisedporkrice 蛋炒饭friedricewithegg 八宝饭ricepudding No.2CommonDishes 清蒸鱼steamedfish 红烧鱼stewedfishwithsoysauce 清炒虾仁...
How to Use Sorrel:Sorrel can be eaten raw and will often be in mixed greens salad blends. When cooked, it often takes on a lemony flavor that complements the flavor of fish. It can be added to soups and stews as well. How to Store Sorrel:Remove any wilted or damaged leaves. Gently ...
Many dishes from the Asian continent are full of intense flavors that are hard to reproduce without using native spices. AuthenticVietnamese pho, Thai coconut-based soups, and Chinese stir-fries rely on the spices below to create an appetizing balance of taste and aroma. 1. Chinese 5 Spice ...
Self-serve portions (salads, soups, etc.) Cafeterias are similar to buffets, but cafeterias typically have servers behind the counter ready to dish out the food you choose. Some large corporations, factories, and hospitals have in-house cafeterias to feed employees and patrons alike. ...
Teaspoon: For stirring coffee, tea, soups and cereal and even eat food. Tablespoon:Larger than teaspoons (3 teaspoons measure 1 tablespoon) used for serving food from serving bowls. Place spoon:Larger than a teaspoon but smaller than a tablespoon, the place spoon is an all-purpose spoon. ...
People who follow a vegetarian diet typically consume various fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Everyday vegetarian dishes includestir-fries,pasta dishes, rice and beans, andsoups. 8. Lacto-vegetarians A Lacto-vegetarian is a person who abstains from eating red or white meat, fish, fowl...
Amongst the different types of edible mushrooms, Oyster Mushrooms are one of the biggest, most common and versatile variants. These fan-shaped mushrooms have a delicate flavor, odor and a velvety texture. Extremely tender, they get used in sauces, soups, and stir-fried dishes. With a whiteish...
Beer is a versatile ingredient that can add depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes, from soups and stews to desserts and dressings. When used in cooking, beer can impart unique flavors, enhancing the overall taste profile and texture. Here are just some beers you can use in the ...
From the delicate and briny flavor of Littleneck clams to the rich and creamy texture of Kumamoto oysters, there is a clam or oyster to suit the flavor preferences of your customers. Whether you are looking to serve them raw on the half shell, incorporate them into soups and stews, or us...