Types of Online Financial Frauds As Investopedia writes, “financial fraud occurs when someone takes money or other assets from you through deception or criminal activity.” As the National Crime Victim Law Institute notes, “fraud that is committed using the internet is <<online fraud>>. Onlin...
Consumer fraud occurs when a person suffers from a financial or personal loss. Fraud can involve the use of deceptive, unfair, misleading, or false business practices. Fraudsters typically target the elderly and college students, but all consumers are at risk of fraud. TheConsumer Financial Protect...
Of all the attack methods used to infiltrate healthcare organizations, phishing is the number one technique used by hackers. Phishing is one of the cyber crimes highlighted on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Common Frauds and Scams page. Other cyber crimes include data breaches, malware, in...
Learn about auditing Non-Banking Financial Services (NBFCs) with Enterslice. Explore different types of NBFC audits for compliance and accuracy.
About to order from an Alibaba supplier? Learn how to avoid payment frauds and receiving the wrong or damaged products.
Timeshare frauds typically revolve around the sale, resale, or exit strategies for timeshare agreements—the difficulty of selling timeshares you own is the opening scammers need. Here are some of the methods con artists have employed (“owner” is used loosely below for both those involved in ...