Anuclear cataractis cloudiness in the "core" of your lens. It's one of the most common types of cataracts. The center of your lens turns yellow and gets harder as you age. This is a normal part of the aging process callednuclear sclerosis. If it gets severe enough, it becomes a nucl...
The lens is positioned behind the colored part of the eye (iris). The lens focuses light that passes into the eye, producing clear, sharp images on the retina, the light-sensitive membrane in the eye that functions like the film in a camera. The lens also focuses the light so that the...
Secondary cataracts can form following other eye problems. Examples include an eye that was previously treated for glaucoma or a different eye problem or disease. Health problems such as diabetes can also cause the formation of secondary cataracts. Additionally, the excessive or prolonged use of ster...
of complications,in the PRL group,the lens deviated in 1 patient (1 eye) and cataract developed in 1 patient (1 eye); in the ICL group,a cataract developed in 1 patient (2 eyes) and posterior surface artificial crystals came in contact with the anterior surface of the lens which added ...
In a normal eye, light passes through the transparent lens to the retina. The lens must be clear for the retina to receive a sharp image. If the lens is cloudy from a cataract, the image striking the retina will be blurry or distorted and the vision will be blurry. The extent of the...
In some cases,contact lensesfitted on the eye's surface (cornea)may be used to help restore vision after the natural lens is removed during cataract surgery. Also, eyeglasses may be prescribed to aid vision in lieu of an inserted artificial lens or contact lens. ...
Types of cataract surgery A. Manual B. Phecoemulsification C. Femtosecond Laser A) Manual cataract ECCE: which NEEDS SUTURE FOR WOUND CLOSURE. It is important and must have skilled by every eye surgeon, when phonosurgery meet with complication needs to convert in ECCE to avoid further complicat...
The giant papillae on the conjunctiva, which are characteristic of GPC, however, may persist for months despite these measures. Eye medications, such as cromolyn (Opticrom) or lodoxamide (Alomide), often are used in this condition, sometimes for several months. Contact lenses should not be wor...
Importance of lenses The lensesare used in many things, They are used in medical eyeglasses either for reading or walking, They are used in wars, and the leaders use binoculars to follow the battles.Convex lensesare used in projectors, multijunctionsolar cells, and peepholes in doors. ...
They received intramuscular anesthesia (Ketamine 鈮 10 mg/kg), tropicamide eye drops for pupil dilation, and proparacaine hydrochloride eye drops for local anesthesia. Cataract grades were scored by following the protocol of the Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCSIII) (Chylack L 1993),...