Learn about ethnicity and ethnic background meaning. See different types of ethnicity and examples of ethnic groups, and how ethnicity compares to...
It is a form of xenophobia, which is an intense hatred or fear of people from different racial, ethnic, or national backgrounds. An ethnocentric view is necessarily an exclusionary one that flattens complex cultures into trite stereotypes to simplify and justify exclusion of and often oppression ...
The sample consists of 573 high school students with different ethnic origin. Five SRTT (Self-Selection Ratio Type Table) comparisons are made — between students of each ethnic group and the whole sample. The results show that each ethnic group has its own type preferences and type distribution...
states. (Unlike many broader state laws, the federal law allowed for the prosecution of hate crimes motivated only by the colour, race, religion, or national origin of the victim.) Increasingly, criminal conduct motivated by bigotry came to be regarded as substantially different from, and in ...
Just as there are many types of metabolic abnormalities producing elevated glucose levels in man, there are many underlying disturbances producing elevated serum lipid levels. Some factors that may well influence serum lipid concentration are of ethnic origin; in addition there are hereditary patterns,...
The relationship between racial or ethnic background and criminality hasevokedconsiderable controversy. Most penal populations do contain a disproportionately high number of persons from someminorityracial groups relative to their numbers in the general population. However, some criminologists have pointed ou...
Personal Data Breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. Sensitive Personal Data * means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, pol...
The common dichotomy between ethnic homogamous and ethnic heterogamous marriages is further elaborated by differentiating a third marriage type; ethnic homogamous marriages between individuals from an ethnic minority group and a partner from the country of origin. Based on the analysis of data ...
5.Identity– how the parties define “who they are.” Parties are members of a number of different social groups-gender (male), religion (Roman Catholic), ethnic origin (Italian), place of birth (Brooklyn), current place of residence (London), and the like. These are only a few of the...
These Postmemories and intergenerational transmissions5are intertwined in4All these terms, without exception, emphasised belonging to a particular ethnic type, ratherthan to a nation (as“nation”is understood through the concept of the nation state in the West-ern world). This difference, which ...