Objectives: To gather preliminary data on how the three major types of emergency medicine (EM) providers, physicians, nurses (RNs), and out-of-hospital personnel (EMTs), differ in error identification, disclosure, and reporting. Methods: A convenience sample of emergency department (ED) ...
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 34(4), 25.Risucci D, LaMantia J, Ryan J. Personality types and preferences of emer- gency medicine residents: correlation with clinical performance evaluations [abstract]. Ann Emerg Med 1999;34;4:S25.
The frequency of medication errors was higher in men, middle age patients, first weekdays, night-time work schedules and the first semester of educational year of new junior emergency medicine residents. More than 60% of errors were prescription errors by physicians and the remaining were ...
Emergency Medicine Specialists These doctors make life-or-death decisions for sick and injured people, usually in an emergency room. Their job is to save lives and to avoid or lower the chances of disability. Family Physicians They care for the whole family, including children, adults, and the...
The top 5 specialties with the highest levels of burnout areemergency medicine, critical care,OB/GYN, infectious disease, andfamily medicine, and the top 5 specialties with the least are public health and preventive medicine, dermatology, pathology, oncology, and orthopedics. ...
Physicians have a lot of decisions to make when thinking of where they want to practice medicine. These range from geographical location to type of practice. Focusing on the latter, there are five types of medical practices for doctors to choose from. Let’s take a look at each, along with...
Different types of doctors specialize in treating different conditions or different parts of the body. Find out about some of the most common medical fields.
Although these next signs might not be a medical emergency, they could be a sign of a serious illness. If you have any of these, contact your doctor as soon as possible to see what you should do: Your cough isn’t going away.
Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a loved one. When anxiety symptoms compromise daily life functions, that's when it’s classified as one of several anxiety disorders identifie
The following are symptoms of anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening severe allergic reaction that comes on quickly or suddenly. Common triggers for anaphylaxis include foods, medications, and insect stings. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. Use your epinephrine autoinjector and then call 911 (...