Indian Economy Notes for UPSC Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Any investment from an individual or firm that is located in a foreign country into a country is called Foreign Direct Investment. Generally, FDI is when a foreign entity acquires ownership or controlling stake in the shares of a ...
Glaciers - Types of Glaciers. Glacial Landforms - Erosional and Depositional. Glaciers in India. UPSC Geography Notes GS1 Free PDF Download. Clear UPSC 2022 with BYJU’S IAS.
Enzymes are proteins made from amino acids. It is made up of hundreds and thousands of amino acids stringed together in a very specific and unique order. Download Enzymes PDF notes for free. For UPSC 2021, follow BYJU'S
Factors causing winds. Types of winds: Local Winds; Permanent Winds; Trade Winds... Westerlies and Easterlies, Coriolis Force, different types of wind measurement: Anemometers- the direction of winds. The Wind Vane, The Wind Vane; and Jet Stream For UPSC
Hypoxia (a condition where tissues fail to receive an adequate supply of oxygen) is an important topic for IAS Exam. Read different types of Hypoxia and its causes, symptoms, diagnosis. For more UPSC 2021 notes, follow BYJU’S.
development-New products and services need to be researched and tested before launching in the market. Therefore, an entrepreneur also dispenses finance for research and development with research institutions and universities. This promotes research, general construction, and development in the economy. ...
preferences of the government in the fiscal sector, examining current policies and justifying any deviation in important fiscal measures. the macroeconomic framework statement assesses the prospects of the economy for the gdp growth rate, the fiscal balance of the central government, and external ...
crops are plants grown by the farmers. agriculture plays a very important role in the indian economy. it is the backbone of our country. 70% of the indian population depends on agriculture for food and money. it is the major occupation in the rural areas. the cultivation of crops depends ...
economy questions s&t questions environment questions latest current affairs daily news analysis best of pib gist of yojana magazine gist of kurukshetra magazine air spotlight for upsc gist of rstv gk & current affairs quiz ias questions ias agriculture questions what are four types of agriculture ...
if the economy urges support in the mode of import, the government plans according to the bop, and divert the cash flow and technology to the unfavourable sector of the economy, and seek future growth. the balance of payment also indicates the government to detect the state of ...