We can classify mood-altering drugs according to the specific effects they have on our minds and bodies. Hallucinogens Acid, Mushrooms, Ecstasy Alter the users’ perceptions of the world around them, causing distortions in the way they sense their surroundings. Overdoses can pose a risk of ...
•Alldrugs,whetherlegalorillegalaffectthe brainbyinteractingwithnaturally occurringbrainchemicalsknownas neurotransmitters •Thisalterspeople’sbehavior. •Everydrug(includingalegaldrugsuchas aspirin)ispotentiallyharmful. 8/24/2012 EffectsofdrugsEffectsofdrugs •Effectsofanydrugdependon: •typeofdrugused...
Many attackers use drugs along with alcohol. It can boost the medicine’s effects. But alcohol by itself can also keep you from defending yourself, knowing what’s happening to you, or remembering it later. A spiked drink used to be called a Mickey Finn. It's believed to be named after...
Whenever two or moredrugsare being taken, there is a chance that there will be an interaction between the drugs. The interaction may increase or decrease the effectiveness of the drugs or their side effects. The likelihood of drug interactions increases as the number of drugs being taken increas...
What are the side effects of club drugs? Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB): The effects start in 15-30 minutes and last for three to six hours. It is very potent. Even a very small amount can have a big effect, and it is easy to overdose. You may feel relaxed, drowsy, dizzy, and ...
Because these "drug boosters" can increase the levels of other drugs and cause potential harm, you should always tell your doctor about the medicines you are taking. Combination HIV Medication Some drug manufacturers put specific medicines together into a single pill so they're easier to take. ...
Antacids that contain magnesium trisilicate and magnesium hydroxide when taken with some other medications (such astetracycline) will bind to the drugs, and reduce their absorption and effects. Sodium bicarbonate has a strong effect on the acidity of the urine, and this can affect the elimination ...
Effects of various types of drugs on serum lipids and atherosclerosis (Chinese)C.C., WuC.J., HsuJ.S., Chen
arethetypesofantihypertensivedrugsWhatcommontheirside 系统标签: antihypertensivedrugs降压副作用typeseffects 降压药的种类有哪些常见的降压药有哪些它们的副作用有哪些(WhatarethetypesofantihypertensivedrugsWhatarecommonantihypertensivedrugsWhataretheirsideeffects)Whatarethetypesofantihypertensivedrugs?Whatarecommonantihypertensi...
Types of Essay Writing TypesofEssayWriting I.ExpositoryEssayII.NarrativeEssayIII.DescriptiveEssayIV.Argumentation TypesofEssayWriting TypesofParagraphs ★narrative:tellsastory★persuasive:triestoconvincethe audience★descriptive:describessomething★expositoryorexplanatory:gives informationorexplainssomething Expository...