Overview of USP 1/2/5/6 dissolution apparatus types and vessels. From basket and paddle methods to intrinsic dissolution, paddle-over-disc, peak vessels.
The dissolution behaviour of indomethacin from six commercial brands of indomethacin capsules, using the USP rotating basket apparatus and the USP paddle apparatus have been studied. The products showed marked differences in their dissolution profiles. The dissolution rates have been different in different...
Since the 1990s, dramatic changes have occurred in the classification of fungi. Improved understanding of relationships of fungi traditionally placed in the phyla Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota has resulted in the dissolution of outmoded taxons and the generation of new taxons. The Chytridiomycota is...
The release was studied in a USP dissolution apparatus (Dissolutest, Prolabo) equipped with rotating discs. The tablet weight was noted before a tablet was mounted at the centre of a disc using water impermeable glue. The discs were rotated at 100 rpm in the dissolution medium (deionised ...
Table 1.Physico-bio-chemical parameters of sludge before and after treatment. 2.2. Description of the MW Apparatus The ETHOS X MW, sourced from the Japanese company Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA, USA), was utilised for treating the sludge samples. This particular MW model is equipped ...
2.4. Preparation of Thin-Layer Samples for Monitoring the Photopolymerization Processes by FPT The compositions for FPT measurements were prepared by dissolution of the photoinitiator and each fluorescent sensor in the monomer in such proportions as to obtain the concentration 1.0% by weight of the pho...