disordered thoughts and speech, and disorganized movement) may be related to a change in the balance of at least some of your brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. For instance, you may have too much dopamine and glutamate in a particular area of your brain called the mesolimbic tract. The ...
An individual who shows disordered mood shifts in two directions is likely to be classified as having: \\ a. schizophrenia b. bipolar disorder c. dissociative identity disorder d. conversion disorderA separation of thoughts, emotions, identity, and memor...
Depending on how rapidly the mood swings occur, the episodes of bipolar disorder can also be described as having mixed (mood-disordered episodes that last less than the usual amount of time required for the diagnosis) features or rapidcycling(four or more mood-disordered episodes per year) featu...
Deliriumis a cognitive impairment in which an individual has difficulty sustaining attention, which can lead to reduced awareness of the environment, disordered or disorganized thinking, feeling disoriented or confused, hallucinations, and impairments in memory and language. While the onset of dementia is...
open, exchanging information with the outside. A system is called ordered when its character, structure and function are from simpleness to complexity and from the low-level to high-level. And its reverse is called disordered[2]. 被命令的理论表明系统可能被命令,只有当它是开放的时,交换信息与...
Dysfunctional thinking Catatonia or other movement disorders Negative (Deficit) Symptoms "Negative" symptoms disrupt normal emotions and behaviors and include: Social withdrawal "Flat affect," dull or monotonous speech, and lack of facial expression ...
Any situation or thing that is in an abject state of disorder, disarray, or chaos. It can also be a person who is disordered in life, manner, or appearance. 16. All the same 尽管如此, 仍然 Despite what has just...
54. Adapting to survive in a disordered environment may be my strength 在无序的环境中变通地求生存可能是我的强项 Capable of quickly adapting to constantly changing environments • 能够迅速适应不断变化的环境。 从不 很少 有时 经常 总是 55. unruly 不喜欢按常理出牌 When dealing with problems...
Partial hospitalization:This form of eating disorder care is best for those who are medically stable but still functionally impaired and in need of daily care. Partial hospitalization is also helpful for people engaging in daily disordered eating, such as purging or fasting. ...