This species is planted commercially in the East African countries of Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. Chinese Red Pine Chinese red pine is an unusual source for vanillin, an artificial vanilla substitute. common name Chinese Red Pine, Southern Chinese Pine botanical name Pinus tabuliformis...
Inflation is the rise of prices across a basket of goods and services in a certain amount of time, usually a year. Learn more.
Hazards Risks Disasters 2016, 12, 335–372. [Google Scholar] Shrestha, U.B.; Shrestha, B.B. Climate change amplifies plant invasion hotspots in Nepal. Divers. Distrib. 2019, 25, 1599–1612. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Shrestha, B.B.; Shrestha, K.K. Invasions of alien plant species ...