Taking Tamil Nadu in India as an example, this paper analyzes the main types and direct effects of the extensive disasters in this area, and provides a reference for risk assessment of extensive disaster.Yaolong LiuYe XueHuaming ZhangAnnual Meeting of Risk Analysis Committee of China Association ...
We apply a panel synthetic control methodology to estimate the impact of natural disasters on government debt. Our findings generally reveal a considerable increase of government debt in the aftermath of a natural disaster, except for droughts. Earthquakes, on average, lead to an increase in ...
the promise of a sum of money in event of loss eg by fire or other disaster, given in compensation by a company etc in return for regular payments. Have you paid the insurance on your jewellery?; (also adjective) insurance companies.seguroinsurance policy (a document setting out) an agreem...
These photos are used for weather forecasting, disaster recovery and also military purposes. Scientific Photography This photography genre is always evolving to document scientific discoveries and pursuits. It’s a pretty wide field of study, but being able to document such activities for review and ...
Nargis:struck the Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar killing over 130,000-people and devastating the country’s largest city, Yangon, making it Myanmar’s deadliest natural disaster in history, the costliest North Indian cyclone on record, and the second deadliest North Indian cyclone in recorded ...
audible effect in the atmosphere of the Earth. Thunderstorms can start and grow in any location, but they are most often in the mid-latitudes, where frigid air from the poles and warm, moist air from the tropics combine. India has witnessed approximately more than 16 million thunderstorms to...
As a result, the climatological community has defined four types of drought: 1) Meteorological drought 2) Hydrological drought 3) Agricultural drought 4) Socioeconomic drought. Q2 Is a drought a natural disaster? Droughts are major natural disasters for many parts of the world. Dry areas, wher...
Solidarity rights have immense importance in developing countries, because these countries want the creation of an international order that will guarantee to them the right to development, the right to disaster relief assistance, the right to peace and the right to good government....
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Demand for bottled water may dwarf supply in the face of a catastrophic weather conditions or a human-caused disaster that disrupts or poisons municipal water supplies. Demand for housing, whether a single-family home, apartment, emergency shelter, hotel, or other often outstrips supply, depending...