Angels and demons are, respectively, any benevolent or malevolent spiritual beings that mediate between the transcendent and temporal realms. They are among various spiritual beings, powers, and principles that mediate between the realm of the sacred or
It appears most likely that demons are fallen angels who rebelled against God in heaven and were cast out of the presence of God. As such, what things are true about the nature of good angels are also true of demons. When it comes to identifying demons, the question that should be aske...
All Diplomats share the Intuitive and Feeling personality traits, which means they spend a lot of energy questioning why things happen the way they do, and that they perceive things through their emotions. Many may feel a stronger need than others to understand the hidden meanings, both positive...
and their body parts can move on their own. The werecats used to drain out the living force of unwary victims at the Moonscar Island to maintain their young appearance as well their immortality, transforming them into skinny zombies. Upon noticing the arrival of new possible victims, the zomb...
andreligiousinstitutions. Even when the feasts or festivals have lost their original meanings in doctrinal or mythological explanations, the symbols preserved in the rites, ceremonies, and arts (e.g., pictorial, dramatic, or choreographic) have enabled persons in periods of crisis or transition to...