Juvenile Defense Attorneys Juvenile defense attorneys defend young people aged 10 to 17 who are not old enough to be tried as adults. While most juvenile crimes are similar to those of adults, the penalties and laws associated with juvenile crimes are very different. For example, juveniles are ...
The duress defense is used when the accused was forced to commit a crime under threat of harm or death. The defense team will argue that the defendant had no choice but to commit the crime in order to protect themselves or someone else. This defense is often used in cases involving kidnap...
Find aCalifornia Sex Crimes Defense AttorneysNear Me Federal sex crime allegations are often negatively impacting and can jeopardize your reputation, freedom, quality of life, profession, and future opportunities. If found guilty, you can be subject to hefty cash fines, lengthy prison terms, a crim...
D. (2015). Question types, responsiveness and self-contradictions when prosecutors and defense attorneys question alleged victims of child sexual abuse. Applied Cog- nitive Psychology, 29, 253-261. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3103Andrews, S. J., Lamb, M. E., & Lyon...
Criminal Defense Law A criminal defense lawyer is responsible for defending individuals accused of murder, theft, and fraud. These attorneys use evidence gathered by investigators during investigations into alleged wrongdoing and personal knowledge obtained while interviewing witnesses to mount a defense for...
When a company finds itself up against a product liability lawsuit, attorneys generally choose between two main types of defenses. First, they may try to prove that the consumer misused the product or changed it in a way that made it dangerous. Secondly, they can try to prove that the...
These statutes also allow government attorneys to tap the resources of private counsel representing whistleblowers. And, with some exceptions, where the government does not proceed with a case, whistleblowers represented by private counsel may proceed in court on behalf of the government. ...
The three main types of witnesses used in court trials are expert witnesses, eye-witnesses, and character witnesses. The defense team and the prosecution team can both bring witnesses to a trial to bolster their respective cases. When deciding what witnesses to choose, attorneys need to make ...
All the pieces of circumstantial evidence are meant to lead the judge or jury to draw a conclusion about the case, and both prosecutors and defense attorneys use it to sway juries and judges.View Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course 64K views Types of Circumstantial Evidence Many ...
However, after 1990, solicitors in England could take part in court proceedings on behalf of their clients in certain instances. There is no such legal distinction in the United States (where lawyers are usually recognized as attorneys).