The integrated circuits that are obtained by the combination of analog and digital ICs on a single chip are called Mixed ICs. These ICs functions as Digital to Analog converters,Analog to Digital converters(D/A and A/D converters), and clock/timing ICs. The circuit depicted in the above fig...
The sequential digital circuit is not similar to combinational circuits. Here the output of the device is not based on the given input and also based on the inputs given at the past time. In other terms, the sequential logic circuit’s output is based on the given input and also the cur...
This type of energy meter is simple in construction and the accuracy is somewhat less due to creeping and other external fields. A foremost problem with these types of energy meters is their proneness to tampering, which necessitates an electrical-energy-monitoring system. These series and shunt ...
But most of these circuits fall into a few distinct categories, including Adders, Subtractors, Multiplexors, De-Multiplexors, Decoders, and Encoders. A brief description of each can be found below.Combinational Circuits Examples Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or ...
2 to 4 Line Decoder Converts 2-bit input to 1-of-4 output lines to select devices. Enable controls overall operation. DAC – R2R Ladder Uses resistor ladder network to convert digital input to analog voltage output proportional to code. ...
The founders’ first idea was to use the drone for observing critical disasters, like the reactor meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan. Yet, by going through the first step of the Navigator, the team began to uncover alternative markets where their drone could add value for customers. Among others,...
An Encoder is a device used to change one format of data to another. In other words, a device that is used to detect & change mechanical motion into an analog coded or digital coded o/p signal.Encodersare available in two configurations like linear & rotary, but the most frequently used...
while indeed the basic building block of a sequential circuit is a flip-flop. Flip-flop has a better and greater usage in shift register, counters and memory devices. It is a storage device capable of storing one bit of data. Flip flop has two inputs and two outputs labeled as Q and ...
wherein said interfacing means converts the digital data and said recording/reproducing control signals supplied by said recording and/or reproducing means through said second I/O means into the one of the following interface standards: the computer parallel port interface standard, the SCSI standard...
“start”) and the time the primary operating system takes control of the computer. Firmware's responsibilities include determining the hardware configuration, testing and initializing the hardware, loading the operating system, providing interactive debugging facilities in case of faulty hardware or ...