DAWT dataset - Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts across multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic):https://github.com/klout/opendata/tree/master/wiki_annotation CANTEMIST (CANcer TExt Mining Shared Task – tumor named entity recognition) - named entity recognition of a ...
Hindi Bengali Telugu Maithili The first named entity recognizer in Maithili: Resource creation and system development:https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-intelligent-and-fuzzy-systems/ifs210051 Nepali EverestNER:https://journals.flvc.org/FLAIRS/article/view/130725,https://github.com/nowa...
DAWT dataset - Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts across multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic): https://github.com/klout/opendata/tree/master/wiki_annotation CANTEMIST (CANcer TExt Mining Shared Task – tumor named entity recognition) - named entity recognition of a...
DAWT dataset - Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts across multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic):https://github.com/klout/opendata/tree/master/wiki_annotation CANTEMIST (CANcer TExt Mining Shared Task – tumor named entity recognition) - named entity recognition of a ...
Hindi Bengali Telugu Maithili The first named entity recognizer in Maithili: Resource creation and system development:https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-intelligent-and-fuzzy-systems/ifs210051 Nepali EverestNER:https://journals.flvc.org/FLAIRS/article/view/130725,https://github.com/nowa...