Tax registration number (Jedinstveni identifikacioni broj - JIB) is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each legal entity active in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Commercial courts of the Federation of B&H, Republika Srpska and Brčko District assign a tax registration number to legal entities. Bosnia...
What happens to my unexpired visas in my old passport? Question: I changed my name through the courts and have to get a new passport. But I have a 10-year visa to India that doesn't expire for a while and … Chinese visa requirements for child adopted from China but American citizen ...
Tax registration number (Jedinstveni identifikacioni broj - JIB) is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each legal entity active in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Commercial courts of the Federation of B&H, Republika Srpska and Brčko District assign a tax registration number to legal entities. Bosnia and...
Tax registration number (Jedinstveni identifikacioni broj - JIB) is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each legal entity active in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Commercial courts of the Federation of B&H, Republika Srpska and Brčko District assign a tax registration number to legal entities. Bosnia and...
of statutes of varying age—the oldest still in force being the Treason Act (1351)—and a set of general principles that are chiefly expressed in the decisions of the courts (case law). England’s lack of a criminal code is not the result of a lack of effort; since the early 19th ...