Conditional acceptance - is paying on the condition of the shipment or delivery of the goods General - this is assent without qualification to the order of the drawer Qualified acceptance - this is an acceptance where express terms will vary in the effect of the bill being drawn In the law ...
Conditional acceptance - is paying on the condition of the shipment or delivery of the goods General - this is assent without qualification to the order of the drawer Qualified acceptance - this is an acceptance where express terms will vary in the effect of the bill being drawn In the law ...
There are different types of affixes or morphemes.The affix"-ed"in the word"learned"is known as a(n)___. A.derivational morpheme morpheme C.inflectional morpheme form 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [选择题] 94 Which of the following types of questions can least epc...
Any of the parties was a victim of fraud at the time of execution of the contract. The difference between valid and voidable contracts is that a void contract is not enforceable by law at any cost, but a voidable contract is treated as void only if a party chooses to treat it as voida...
The optimality of σ∗ follows from Proposition 3.3. Therefore (σ∗,s1∗,…,sN∗) is an equilibrium. To show that the equilibrium is full learning, it suffices to show (2). Let us prove this by induction. For n=1, the condition yn>max1≤k≤n−1yk trivially holds (because...
shelter, protection - the condition of being protected; "they were huddled together for protection"; "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. insurance noun 1. assurance, cov...
But some of the rights are subject to security of the State, friendly relation with foreign countries, public order, decency or morality and for which certain restrictions may be imposed by the State on individual liberty under specified condition....
Moral Obligation is based on ethics, whereas legal Obligation is based on the country's law. In this case, moral Obligation often has no punishment attached to it, while punishment applies in nearly all spheres of Legal Obligation.What is Obligation? Obligation refers to a condition in which ...
Subagent in Real Estate | Definition, Role & Examples Real Estate Transaction Agent | Role, Benefits & Examples Terminating Agency Relationships 7:44 Ch 15. Property Valuation & Appraisal Ch 16. Real Estate Investment &... Ch 17. Property Condition Disclosure... Ch 18. Overview of Real...
[17] While optional, these types of coverage may be required by leasing or financing companies as a condition of a purchase money car loan or lease. Usage-based insurance bases premiums on how much the car is used. It can be based on reported usage and/or on telematics, such as global...