The failure characteristics such as strength and toughness of various types of concretes including steel fiber reinforced concrete and light weight concrete, were investigated in order to contribute to the establishment of evaluating methods of the characteristics. The following results were obtained. The...
Internally unreinforced slabs made of UHPFC and SHCC were able to avoid punching shear failure and collapse in a ductile bending pattern due to the high compressive and tensile strength of these types of concrete. The proposed analytical method succeeded in predicting the collapse load ...
types of concrete under biaxial compression is developed to account for the damage induced by freezing-thawing.In this criterion,the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and freezing-thawing action is chosen as a parameter in order to avoid the influence of concrete properties.Therefore,...
"Regular, concrete" functions and non-capture lambdas are automatically recognized as safely passable, but functors, capture-lambdas and generic lambdas would need to be explicitly declared as "passable". usage example: (used in the example for TAsyncRASectionSplitter) async() mstd::async() is ...
To investigate whether the current numerical models and procedures are capable of realistically predicting compression failure of concrete structures, RILEM TC 148SSC recently proposed a so-called round-robin analysis for over-reinforced concrete beams. Beams of two different sizes made of three different...
Failure of concrete under flexural loading considered as one of the important problems which facing the engineers. This study is to investigate the properties of concrete by using three types of mesh (steel wire, galvanized iron wire and PVC coated wire). For this reason, test specimens of 150...
The mechanical behavior of normal air-entrained concrete under multiaxial T–C was studied. The results of different types of concrete conducted in same testing machine was compared and analyzed. The failure criterion of various types of concrete under multiaxial T–C was ...
The ratio of cement to lime ranges between 1:6 to 1:9. Gauged mortar is more affordable than cement concrete and much more effective that lime mortar.Disadvantages of Gauged Mortar-The rapid setting time limits the time available to the user in which to work with the gauged mortar. Some ...
of())); The EsIndex of this IndexResolution has no concrete indices. It's unclear why this resolution needs to be created, and we do not check its validity after creation, assuming it's valid. @luigidellaquila @astefan Can one of you look into this? Since we only use the concrete...
The above sections make clear that the "financial markets" are broad in scope and scale. To give two more concrete examples, we will consider the role of stock markets in bringing a company to IPO and the role of the OTC derivatives market in the 2008-09 financial crisis. Stock Markets a...