the differenttypes of holidays,theright to take part in collective bargaining processes [...] 国民议会目前正在讨论的《劳动法典》草案是劳资或合同关系的法律框 架,规定了不同的劳动保障,例如最长工作小时,不同类型的假日,参加集体谈 判的进程和解决劳资纠纷的权利...
whereSamuel Gompersdeveloped its common use during his leadership of theAmerican Federation of Labor. Collective agreements are probably least significant in developing countries that have large labour populations from which to draw.
There are wide variations in the means workers prefer to use to assert their interests at the workplace. Generally, workers with good educations and high occupational status are more likely to assert their interests individually rather than through collective bargaining. When organized, higher-level ...
In response to the economic and social crisis of the Great Depression, the U.S. Congress and the Roosevelt administration enacted a series of laws granting workers the right to organize into unions and to engage in collective bargaining with employers. Other New Deal legislation set minimum wages...
collective bargaining. Teachers and other white-collar government employees represent a significant exception to this tendency. In theUnited Statesand many European countries, some of the fastest growing and most powerful unions represent government employees (such as theAmerican Federation of State, ...