study types cohort and case-control studies:研究类型的队列研究和病例对照研究 上传人:delicacy6082·上传时间:2018-05-30 1/38 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 继续阅读
Social Participation and the Prevention of Functional Disability in Older Japanese: The JAGES Cohort Study We examined the relationship between incident functional disability and social participation from the perspective of number of types of organizations parti... K Satoru,Y Kai,A Jun,... - 《Plos...
We investigated the mortality associated with all fracture types in elderly women and men.We did a 5-year prospective cohort study in the semi-urban city of Dubbo, Australia, of all residents aged 60 years and older (2413 women and 1898 men). Low-trauma osteoporotic fractures that occurred ...
current study sought to identify types of group sex acts among HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM) and assess their association with different sexual risk behaviors using cross-sectional data of group sex acts reported during 6 waves (2015–2018) of the Amsterdam MSM Cohort Study. ...
3. Types of descriptive study(下) Epidemiology is not only a major subject of public health, but also a fundamental subject of modern medicine. It is a discipline that aims to identify the distribution and determinants of health-related states or event
The associations of types of fish and fish preparation methods with pancreatic cancer risk remain unknown. The authors conducted a prospective cohort study in western Washington State among 66,616 adults, aged 5076 years, who participated in the VITamins And Lifestyle cohort study. Diet was assessed...
A cohort study: changes in depression among eight sleep types based on the 3 dimensional sleep scaleBoth a higher suicide rate and widespread sleep problems are serious health concerns in Japan when compared with those of other countries. We investigated the relationship between suicidal ideation and...
When the researcher attempts to gather information over a period of time or from one point in time up to another, he is doing a longitudinal survey. The aim of longitudinal surveys is to collect data and examine the changes in the data gathered. Longitudinal surveys are used in cohort studi...
We then intersected this gene space with a cohort of healthy cfRNA samples (n = 75, NCI individuals from Toden et al.). A given cell type marker was counted in a given healthy cfRNA sample if its gene expression was greater than zero in log +1 transformed CPM-TMM gene count space....
The prognostic value of electrocardiograms (ECGs) has been reported in predialysis patients but not in incident hemodialysis patients with overhydration and electrolyte disturbances, both of which potentially affect ECG results. We performed a retrospective multicenter cohort study involving incident hemodialy...