Clouds that are puffy, pillowy, or piled high are the most interesting. When they produce rain, they are referred to as cumulus or cumulonimbus (producing thunderstorms); there is that "nimbus" again. In order to get a more descriptive cloud name, meteorologists often combine two of these ...
Low-Level Clouds Nimbostratus clouds are dark gray clouds that produce falling rain or snow. Stratus clouds are among the low-lying clouds. They are gray clouds that cover the entire sky and can be the result of very thick fog lifting in the morning. Stratocumulus clouds are low, lumpy, ...
Description:These clouds usually appear as a lowering along the rain-free base of a cumulonimbus cloud. They form because of the strong winds that are feeding air into the thunderstorm. These winds are called an updraft. While most of these clouds take on a wall-like appearance, they don’...
madeupofwaterdroplets. Theycanalsobecomposed oficeparticlesandsnowin verycoldtemperatures. Stratuscloudsareamongthe low-lyingclouds.Theyare graycloudsthatcoverthe entireskyandcanbethe resultofverythickfogliftingin themorning. Nimbostratuscloudsaredark graycloudsthatproduce fallingrainorsnow. Cumulusandcumulonimbu...
Nimbostratus:The cliché “rain” cloud; dark in color and accompanied by steady precipitation. Altostratus:Less thick and doesn’t produce precipitation. Summary: What Are the Types of Clouds? If can be difficult to keep track of cloud names and the main types of clouds when you’re not sur...
Nimbus means “rain” or “precipitation” We have all this so instead of saying, “About midway up yonder, those are the puffy clouds,” you say, “Those are Altocumulus.” Isn’t that much more lovely? The answer is yes. So really much of naming clouds is just a combination of the...
That’s right, and in case you’re wondering what cloud seeding is,it is basically the enhancement of natural precipitation.The process makes water vapor into clouds, becoming precipitation and eventually rain that would otherwise not fall on earth. ...
They bring life-giving rain to different regions. All of us at one time or another have looked to the sky and watched the clouds. Clouds can be picturesque; they can also appear menacing, even threatening, suggesting a sudden, perhaps even violent turn in the weather. How do clouds form...
What are the four cloud forms? The four cloud forms are: cirrus which are high altitude and thin; cumulus which are puffy and rounded; stratus clouds which are layered and sheet-like; and nimbus clouds that bring rain. Clouds are named for their shape and altitude. ...
when we say "accumulate," it means things pile up. This type of cloud is formed when warm air rises carrying water vapor with it by evaporation. Cumulus clouds can be white or gray. White fluffy clouds mean no rain, but when they form into dark or gray clouds, it is going to rain....