Learning the types of sentences will help students improve their writing. There are four types of sentences in the English language. They are declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. Declarative sentences make a statement. Imperative sentences give a command. Interrogative sentences ask ...
As the name suggests, multiple-part questions require students to write a multiple-part answer, usually in 2 or 3 parts. For this type, students need to have practice joining clauses together using the appropriate conjunction. Questions related to describing things Any question that requires stude...
But language as resource cannot be adequately described as a set of syntagmatic structures; instead, the primary focus must be on the paradigmatic axis, which after all furnishes the principle for the actualisation of syntagms. Accordingly, aspects of Urdu and English semantics, grammar and lexis...
Clauses: In this article, you will learn what clauses are, their meaning and definition. You will also see how clauses can be used and the types of clauses, along with examples.
Connectives or connective words are words or phrases that link sentences or clauses together. Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions, or adverbs and are used frequently both in spoken and written English. Connectives are functional words that help a writer link their words together. They serve...
Subordinate Clauses: Do you know how to use subordinate clauses? Learn what they are, their meaning and definition in this article. You can also check out the types of subordinate clauses and the examples to understand how to use them well.
Using anonymous types causes a smaller amount of data to be returned in the query.If you don't specify member names in the anonymous type, the compiler gives the anonymous type members the same name as the property being used to initialize them. You provide a name for a property that's ...
level basic computer skills syllabus c level english language syllabus nios secondary course secondary course group b syllabus secondary course group a syllabus nios senior secondary course senior secondary group f syllabus senior secondary group e syllabus senior secondary group d syllabus senior secondary...
An acquisition is a transaction in which one company purchases most or all of another company’s shares to gain control of that company. Acquisitions are common in business and may occur with or without the target company’s approval. There’s often a no-shop clause during the process of ...
anycollateralto back the LOC. One notable exception is ahome equity line of credit (HELOC), which is secured by theequity in the borrower’s home. From the lender’s perspective, secured LOCs are attractive because they provide a way to recoup the advanced funds in the event of nonpayment...