There are several types of circuit breakers, each with its unique applications and characteristics. Here are some of the most common types of circuit breakers and their applications: Low Voltage Circuit Breakers 1. Air Circuit Breakers (ACBs) ACBs are designed to handle large currents and ar...
In 1959, Integrated Circuit was developed, where several electronic and electrical components were fabricated over a single silicon wafer. Integrated circuits use low power to operate as well as provide smooth output. Further, the enhancement of transistors over an integrated circuit can also be incre...
a relatively inexpensive and small computer comprising a microprocessor and a central processing unit (cpu) is called a microcomputer. such computers are made with minimal circuitry mounting over a single circuit board. examples include desktop, laptop, etc. mini computer – developed in the mid-...
A battery is a collection of one or more cells that go under chemical reactions to create the flow of electrons within a circuit. There is lot of research and advancement going on in battery technology, and as a result, breakthrough technologies are being experienced and used around the world...
Circuit Diagram Using Timers The frequency counter uses IC 555 timer to provide clock signals at a precise time interval of one second. Arduino UNO is used as a square wave generator. AnIC 555 timerand square wave generator can be configured as anastable multivibrator. The 16×2 LCD display ...
What are the Types of Resistors and Their Applications? To understand what a resistor is and what it does, we need to go back to thebasics of Ohm’s Law. Here we see that there are three key attributes of an electrical circuit; voltage, current, and resistance. To provide the resistan...
For non-RF applications, a function generator is the most common type of signal generator. It generates simple repetitive waveforms of varying magnitudes and frequencies. It uses a signal generator circuit and an electronic oscillator to generate signals, which act as stimuli for testing and designin...
Integrated circuit, an assembly of electronic components with miniature devices built up on a semiconductor substrate. The resulting circuit is thus a small monolithic ‘chip,’ which may be as small as a few square millimeters. The individual circuit co
*.Patented in structure, smooth brake, and not sliding down. *.The motor will not burn down for the protection of thermal effect. *.Separate circuit control ensures the security. *.If attached with smoke sensor, connector, etc., it promotes to be fire-proof shutters. ...
Despite the continuous advancement of technology over the years, the main method of controlling the circuit has not changed. Including contactors, this article studies different types of contactors and how they work. In addition, it compared AC contactors and DC contactors. 1. What is a contactor...