In this article, we will take a look at 7 types of exchanges in Chess that every player must know. Deciding when to or not to exchange...
Here’s an example: imagine that you’re playing White, and you have a queen, a rook, and a few pawns left, while your opponent has only their king and a few pawns. You’re trying to deliver a checkmate, but you’re not making any progress. If fifty moves go by without any captu...
One of the other forum posters, Russ, described a game called Essentia like this: Another comes to mind:Essentia(published by nestorgames in 2010). Pieces move like standard chess pieces with standard checkmate goal, but all pieces are physically identical: a piece’s specific type of chess ...
Play terrible when low on time. Consequence of the previous note. If you manage to survive long enough, you might succeed in flagging them. Most often they don’t know chess basics, like executing a queen checkmate. In any case, I don’t advise adhering to the “If you can’t beat t...
Check and Checkmate Quiz From the early 18th century until the 1830s theEast India Companyimported lavishly carved chessmen in red and white ivory, the opposing sides being the company and Indians. Rajas and viziers were represented by laden elephants, those of the rajas bearing howdahs; company...