Federal and state laws generally prohibit discrimination based on race, national origin, religion, age, gender or disability in education, employment, housing and government assisted programs. If a prospective plaintiff is seeking money damages, an attorney may take a discrimination case on contingency....
Statutes of limitations can also apply to consumer debt because creditors have a certain amount of time in which tocollect on the debt. The statute of limitations on consumer debt depends on the laws of the state in question, and the type of debt. After the statute of limitations has passed...
Private International Law: Private international law, also known as conflict of laws, addresses legal disputes involving parties from different jurisdictions. It determines which laws apply to cross-border transactions, contracts, and civil disputes. Conclusion In conclusion, types of law encompasses a ...
The job description of a criminal lawyer is to closely investigate the case, interview witnesses, develop case studies, and research case laws and statutes. They can negotiate with the prosecution to get a plea bargain for their client for lesser punishment or draft and file a motion to dismiss...
When we say that the law is uncertain, we might mean that two (or more) laws overlap, so that we do not know which is applicable to the facts of a particular case. I call the traditional problem one of applicative uncertainty and the "new" one hierarchic uncertainty. I try to show ...
Yes, sellers can use disclaimers like "as-is" to exclude implied warranties, though consumer protection laws often limit such exclusions. What remedies are available for breach of warranty? Remedies include repair, replacement, refund, or compensation for damages caused by the breach. Do warranties...
attorney for guidance. It’s also important to know whether these documents fall into a list ofdocuments that need to be notarizedas well. Also, keep in mind that the rules and regulations surrounding electronic signatures may vary by jurisdiction, so staying informed about local laws is ...
Perhaps the best-known case of a politician maintaining a slush fund was President Richard Nixon, whose operatives used the money to finance “dirty tricks” against the Democrats in the 1972 election and funneled campaign contributions from such a fund to pay hush money to the Watergate burglars...
While state laws govern the preceding three types of leaves (AL/CL/SL), the Maternity Benefit Act is a central government act. This leave is applicable for the first two children only. In case of a third child, 12 weeks of leave can be availed. The Act also provides for mandated leave...
Three ways of presenting grammar in the classroom:1.The deductive method :reasoning from general principles to a particular caseThe deductive method relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing2.The inductive method :method of logical reasoning which obtains or discovers general laws from particular...