Vehicle repairs Replacement of the defective part Offering a refund Repurchasing the vehicle, if it cannot be safely repaired Do not drive advisories. In some cases, a standard recall order may escalate into a “Do Not Drive” advisory. If your vehicle is part of a Do Not Drive advisory, ...
Whether you're required to haveall six types of car insurancecan depend largely on where you live, ascertain coverages may be mandatorywhile others are optional. Knowing the difference between each type of car insurance can make it easier to choose a policy that provides the level of protection...
According to, a car title, also called a pink slip, is a document that is issued by the state that acts as a certificate of legal ownership.
When it comes to the appearance and utility of automotive design, every car part can make a difference. Even something as basic as a door handle can impact the vehicle’s overall design, functionality and safety. As we look back at automotive history, we come across many different types of ...
But it’s excellent coverage to have since repairs from major accidents can take weeks.Which Type of Car Insurance Do You Need?Not all the policy types listed above will be required by your state, but they’re still good to have. Even though each will raise the premium on your policy, ...
6 Common types of car insurance fraud Insurance fraud can victimize unsuspecting drivers who don’t realize they are dealing with a dishonest agent or repair garage. However, sometimes drivers are the party at fault for committing fraud by lying to an insurer. Below are just six of the most...
Here’s all about the types of car axles, symptoms of a bad axle and how you choose the right one. TYPES OF CAR AXLES The car axles control the power transmitted to propel the wheels. Without these axles, the power won’t reach the wheels and the vehicle won’t move. Usually a car...
Ask most people about insurance and they’ll probably think of catastrophes like the tree taking aim at your garage, but you’re far more likely to use insurance coverage to help pay for less dramatic things like doctor visits, losses from theft, and car repairs after a fender bender. Every...
There are many types of car titles. Learn more about the differences, the various terms to be familiar with and much more!
Disadvantages of PCP You don't legally own the car until you finish the monthly payments and the final balloon payment, so you can't sell or modify the vehicle without the lender's permission If you damage the vehicle, you will be charged for repairs You'll have to pay extra mileage fee...