Advanced / Touring Canoes Touring canoes are similar to recreational canoes, but are designed for long-distance touring, so are a little more expensive. They tend to have rounded bottoms which allows for greater speed and efficiency. They are both more lightweight and can handle more gear than...
Whether it's visiting local villages and staying at the Maharajah's palace in India, sailing through Botswana's Okavango Delta in mokoro canoes or sleeping under the stars in Morocco's Sahara Desert, our tours are packed full of authentic experiences to help you get the most out of every de...
Canoeing is a paddle sport that is a tried and true favorite among the outdoor community. They are kept on the shores of camps and weekend getaways to use as a form of recreation. Canoes are often combined with camping trips, fishing outings, and even hunting. And, for years canoes were...
canoeing, the use for sport, recreation, or competition of acanoe,kayak, orfoldboat, all small, narrow,lightweightboats propelled by paddles and pointed at both ends. There are many canoe clubs inEuropeandNorth America, and most canoes are used in touring or cruising, travel in wilderness ar...