The presence of a large number of donors has been shown to impact negatively on bureaucracy quality and economic growth in the recipient country. But does donor fragmentation also affect democratization? I argue that the effect differs depending on the type of aid: Fragmented general aid has a ...
In contrast, emerging markets often face challenges due to ineffective or absent institutional support, manifesting excessive bureaucracy, legal barriers, financial constraints, a shortage of skilled labor, and competition issues (Khanna et al., 2005). To navigate these institutional voids (Khanna & ...
CHAPTERIII TheTypesofLegitimateDomination 5.MonocraticBureaucracy Experiencetendsuniversallytoshowthatthepurelybureaucratictypeofadministrative organization—thatis,themonocraticvariety—is,fromapurelytechnicalpointofview,capable ofattainingthehighestdegreeofefficiencyandisinthissenseformallythemostrational knownmeansofexerc...
In the past two decades, a significant surge in interest in investigating mental disorders and challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries in the realm of mental health has been observed. Various types of universal basic income (UBI) programs have already demonstrated significant impacts on...