While Cuba is home to impressive marine life, colorful birds, and eccentric mammals, reptiles also inhabit the waters and lands of the island. Snakes are common to Cuba, and several species can be found there. One of the best-known snakes of Cuba is the Cuban boa, the largest species in...
Pygmy owls are just one of the many beautiful birds found in Central America. ©Jan Stria/Shutterstock.com Various habitats make up the region of Central America, as it is a string of several countries bridging South America to North America. As a result of the differing environments, Centra...
Seagull Some gulls are capable of using tools Skua Skuas will chase other birds until they give up their catch Snail There are nearly 1,000 different species! Tiger Beetle The adult tiger beetle is one of the fastest land insects in the world Titanosaur Among the largest land animals to...