while the legs are much less. With growth, the head decreases in size to adult parameters by adolescence. The larger body surface area-to-mass ratio increases the risk of hypothermia. The decreased ability to shiver is another disadvantage to the pediatric patient as...
Sanguineous - a bloody drainage Serosanguineous - a clear, blood-tinged drainage Purulent - a thick yellow, brown, green or grey drainage Let's look at each in a little more detail. 1. Serous This is the most common form of exudate seen being emitted from a wound. It is a sig...
Sanguineous exudate- This is a bloody drainage resulting from the bleeding in the wound. It is common in the early stages of deep wound healing, however, if the production of sanguineous exudates persists, it could be a sign that the trauma is recurring and happening to the wound. This ex...
they are more common during the reproductive years (age of 20 -44) due to the production of endogenous hormones. These hormones regulate the ovulation process and can lead to the development of follicular or corpus luteum cysts in the ovaries. As women age, the risk of developing other, vari...
Drainage of cloudy/turbid or bloody PD fluid. Pain, pus, redness, swelling or warmth around exit site of CAPD catheter. Difficulty in infusion or drainage of PD fluid. Constipation Unexpected weight gain, significant swelling, breathlessness and development of severe hypertension (suggestive of fluid...
This form produces a fulminant pneumonia with watery sputum that usually progresses to bloody. Within a short period of time, septic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation develop. ARDS and death may occur. Mortality rate of pneumonic plague is very high but may respond to early treatment...
a deep cough that produces a lot of mucus and/or bloody mucus Emergency care should be sought if the coughing includes any one or more of the following: significantwheezing shortness of breath chest tightness coughing up and/orvomiting blood(possible signs ofinternal bleedingdue to bleeding ulcer...
Diarrhea due to small bowel infections tends not to be bloody, but infections may affect both the small and large intestines at the same time. E. coli (enterotoxigenic) is the most common cause of traveler's diarrhea. It lacks symptoms such as fever or bloody diarrhea. Vibrio cholerae, ofte...
If the child has experienced several ear infections (ear drainage, particularly bloody drainage) within a relatively short period of time. The child has persistent ear drainage after using the drops as ordered. The child has increasing ear pain without ear drainage. ...
Diarrhea due to small bowel infections tends not to be bloody, but infections may affect both the small and large intestines at the same time. E. coli (enterotoxigenic) is the most common cause of traveler's diarrhea. It lacks symptoms such as fever or bloody diarrhea. Vibrio cholerae, ofte...