As a reblooming cultivar in the Tall Bearded class, ‘Pink Attraction’ will dazzle you twice each season with an abundance of flowers. Expect a first flush in late spring to early summer and a second wave in late summer to early fall, depending on where you live. ‘Sugar Blues’ Iris ...
Bearded Iris (Iris germanica) The Bearded Iris, a classic garden staple, is renowned for its large, flamboyant blooms adorned with ruffled petals (like fuzzy 'beards') on each petal. These irises come in a range of sizes: Tall Bearded Irises make a striking statement with their lofty statu...
Bearded Irises Irises come in a wide array of colors and enjoy the full sun. Scientific Name: Iris germanica There are thousands of varieties and cultivars in this genus, and they are thought of as the showiest members. All blooms produce three upright petals and three dropping petals with...
the plants bear clusters of small, bright orange flowers that are highlyattractive to butterflies. The flowers give way to seed pods, which should be removed promptly if you want to limit the plants’ spread. It's also mildly
Identification of Floral Scent Profiles in Bearded Irises. Molecules 2019, 24, 1773. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Kondo, M.; Oyama-Okubo, N.; Ando, T.; Marchesi, E.; Nakayama, M. Floral scent diversity is differently expressed in emitted and endogenous components in Petunia...