A bank account is a great place to save, invest, and grow your money. Today, banks offer a wide variety of accounts to fit the many needs of their customers, e.g. Savings, Current, BSBDA, Fixed and Recurring Deposits, and NRI Accounts. Each account has its own unique characteristics, ...
Banks help you save and grow your money. You can open all of the above types of deposit accounts with the same bank to manage your finances effectively. With digital banking services and mobile applications, today, you can open deposits online and monitor them conveniently. Just...
Do you know how many types of joint accounts in banks are available in India and what are the pros and cons of these types of accounts? Many of us are simply holding bank accounts as single holders. However, there are various ways through which we can open and handle bank accounts. In ...
aspect of the banking industry is the provision of bank accounts. there are various types of bank accounts which can be opened in any public or private sector banks. this topic essentially forms a very important part of the financial and banking awareness section of the various bank exams. ...
The unemployment rate in India, amidst lockdown and restrictions on mobility, is 12.81% as of June 8th 2021 based on the data provided by the CMIE. Earlier, the unemployment rate in India shot up from 6.5 per cent in March 2021 to 8 per cent in April 2021, to 14.7% by May end, wh...
The caves were constructed on the banks of the Bagh River in Madhya Pradesh. The Caves are similar to the architecture of the Ajanta Caves. They are more earthly and human than those at Ajanta. These were executed in tempera. These paintings are materialistic rather than spiritualistic. ...
To maintain the surveillance quality and supervision that the Banks exercise over the NBFCs. This can be done by keeping track of the developments in this sector of the financial system. The Reserve Bank also issued directions to the Companies regarding the acceptance of public deposits, prudential...
However, the process of borrowingsecured education loansfor an MS in US is not as simple as it seems. Students who apply for a USA education loan are often faced with a common dilemma when they begin their collateral education loan process with any of the government banks - What type of ...
Due to the pandemic, the Reserve Bank of India postponed the implementation of Basel norms for another 6 months. This resulted in a lower capital burden on banks regarding provisioning requirements. This extension would have an impact on how RBI and Indian banks are perceived by global players....
in this account as a means of creating savings for them. Like with a Regular Savings Account, your child can earn interest on the savings parked in this account. Banks also provide debit cards in the name of the child (on the parents’ request). Once the primary account holder turns 18...