Rasayana or Jara Chikitsa is a part of Ayurvedic treatment dealing with preservation of youthfulness and longevity of life. Here are some important features of Gerontology or Jara chikitsa in Ashtang Ayurveda.Ayurveda : Ashtang Ayurveda : Rasayana Chikitsa...
Hypertension Causes, Types, Symptoms, Ayurvedic Treatment By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu). High blood pressure is the increased pressure of the flowing blood on the walls of the blood pipes. As per Ayurveda, it can be caused due to increase of Vata and Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda....
Thalassotherapy, created from the two Greek words thalasso meaning ‘sea’ and ‘therapia’ meaning ‘treatment’, uses the healing and beneficial properties of the sea and the marine environment to uplift your well-being. Every detoxifying treatment is designed to use a combination of naturally s...
1.There are some diabetic patients that can be managed with non-drug therapy. Dietary counseling and close monitoring of the blood sugar levels allow some diabetics to live a good quality of life. 2.The importance of foot care andexercisemust be emphasized for an overall good ...
Consult with top doctorforayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Ayurveda can help you to minimize the complications of diabetes and promote healthy lifestyle. References Diabetes- Medline Plus, Health Topics, NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine [Internet]. medlineplus.gov 2019 [Cited 25 July 2019]...
Abuse, Addiction & Treatment, Types, Legal & Illegal /Street, Effects, Experimentation & Enlightenment, Timothy Leary, Psychedelic Experiment & Tibetan Book of Dead O nobly born, listen carefully: At this point you can become aware of the wave structure of the world around you. ...
Children who do not respond to the above courses of treatment and are not cleared for surgery may be suggested the VNS therapy. This therapy is usually used for children above 12 years of age. In this procedure, an electronic pulse generator is surgically placed in the chest wall. This devi...
Type II can be managed by taking care of the diet, regular exercise and by maintaining a healthy weight. Advanced cases may also require medications and insulin therapy apart from lifestyle changes to keep diabetes in check. A study by University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) says that ...
(Azadirachta indica), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia) and few other ayurveda herbs. Topical Ayurvedic herbs and oils are effective to stimulate hair follicles and have proven a safe and better alternate to cope up with alopecia areata. However the exact pharmacological action of these herbs and ...
The primary area of research in anti-cancer therapy is chemoprevention, focusing on numerous aspects ranging from nutritional to pharmacological factors. To tackle the problems associated with current therapies in cancer treatment, there is still a search for anticancer agents with enhanced efficiency ...