Early Indian Religions Atheistic schools of thought can be found in earlyIndia, dating back to the ancient Vedic religion. The Charvaka, known asLokāyataschool, is presumed to be India’s most overtly atheistic school of thought. This school of Indian philosophy is categorized as heterodox since...
Native American religions;Neo-Paganism;new religious movement;Old Catholic church;Orphic religion;prehistoric religion;Protestantism;Protestant Heritage, The;Roman Catholicism;Roman religion;Shintō;Sikhism;Slavic religion;Syrian and Palestinian religion;Vedic religion;Wicca;Zoroastrianism. For discussion of ...
found nothing in the universe to make a belief that God exists justifiable or even, everything considered, the most rational option of the various options. He therefore draws the atheistical conclusion (also keeping in mind his burden-of-proof argument) that God does not exist. But he does ...
They advocate for blurring the boundaries between theory and practice and highlight the existence of atheistic critiques of theism. The article suggests that philosophy of religion should consider the lived experience and subjective aspects of religious belief. Additionally, the text discusses the concept...
To prevent the further spread of materialistic and closely related atheistic ideas, it was necessary for the Orthodox Church to provide rigorous, clear, and as simple as possible critiques of the fundamentals of materialism to emphasize its weaknesses and thereby prove its inconsistency. As a part ...