BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) — Fine arts includeacting, dancing, singing, sculpting and painting. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)— BBA degrees cover courses in management strategy, decision making and even organizational psychology. BE or BEng (Bachelor of Engineering degree)— This degre...
牙科博士:Doctor of Dental Science (D.D.S)工程博士:Doctor of Engineering (D.E)教育学博士:Doctor of Education (D.Ed)音乐艺术博士:Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A)骨科博士:Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O)社会科学博士:Doctor of Social Science (D.S.S)兽医学博士:Doctor of Veterina...
4 years number of credits required: 120 credit hours bachelor’s degree types common types of bachelor’s degrees are: bachelor of arts (b.a.) bachelor of science (b.s.) bachelor of fine arts (b.f.a.) bachelor of business administration (b.b.a.) bachelor of health science (b.h.s...
then a more ambiguous interest of yours in the arts may suffice; I've found telling girls like this I'm a writer keeps it ambiguous enough that their job status sensors can't use it to disqualify me (I might be a multimillionaire writer, or I might be a starving artist; 'writer' is...
education engineering fine arts health law library studies medicine nursing public affairs science social sciences and humanities tools compare graduate schools search for graduate schools advice applying to graduate school paying for graduate school about the gre studying at a u.s...
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000 type[′tīp] (graphic arts) The relief or plane characters used to generate printed characters of various styles and sizes. (systematics) A specimen on which a species or subspecies is based. McGraw-Hill Dictionary ...
a bachelor's degree in English or anthropology is conferred as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, while a program in business administration or oceanography is conferred as a Bachelor of Science (B.S.). Many universities offer honors programs that challenge undergraduate students with advanced ...
Generally, community colleges offer degrees only at the associate level. Baccalaureate Degree Commonly known as the bachelor's degree, the baccalaureate is the basic four-year college degree; this is usually a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. A bachelor's degree program offers ...
I went to a small liberal arts college in the Midwest and they had three different English degrees that they offered. There was Literary Studies, Creative Writing and Rhetoric and Discourse. many of them had overlapping classes and it was pretty easy to double or even triple major. Hot To...
A Master of Arts (MA) is usually awarded in disciplines categorised as arts or social sciences, such as communications, education, languages, linguistics, literature, geography, history and music. Candidates are taught through a combination of lectures and seminars and assessed through an examination...