Somebody who had grenades bombed it. A frightful flame shattered them. Probably they imagined, at first, that the grenade had exploded some sort of a powder magazine within the huge metal tube, and that it was exploding. Few of those near to the ship, and outside it, lived to see what...
In the 16th century, French soldiers (as well as other European armies) used round, pomegranate-sized bombs containing large grains of gunpowder, which resembled a pomegranate's seeds. The French army established the Grenadiers, troops trained to lob these grenades toward the enemy line. The ...
disseminated, the influence and the use of information maneuvers of bots within the social communication network. Among others, our results observe that all three types of bots are present across the two countries; bots geotagged to the US are generally concerned with the balloon location while tho...
In the 16th century, French soldiers (as well as other European armies) used round, pomegranate-sized bombs containing large grains of gunpowder, which resembled a pomegranate's seeds. The French army established the Grenadiers, troops trained to lob these grenades toward the enemy line. The ...
In the 16th century, French soldiers (as well as other European armies) used round, pomegranate-sized bombs containing large grains of gunpowder, which resembled a pomegranate's seeds. The French army established the Grenadiers, troops trained to lob these grenades toward the enemy line. The ...
and plants. They inflict damage when inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested in food or drink. Chemical agents become weapons when they are placed intoartilleryshells, land mines, aerial bombs, missile warheads, mortar shells, grenades, spray tanks, or any other means of delivering the...
s combat involvement in theIraq War(2003–09), a certain number of FV430s were upgraded to a Mark 3, or “Bulldog,”configuration, fitted with metal cages and withreactive armourthat exploded outward to provide better protection against improvised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades....
when an Italian pilot made a one-hour reconnaissance flight over enemy positions nearTripoli, Libya, in aBlériot XImonoplane. The first bombing raid came nine days later, when a pilot dropped four grenades on Turkish positions. The first reconnaissance photographs of enemy positions were taken on...