For this classification, check out our 33 types of houses by building type here. For the most part, our list below is restricted to the different residential architecture styles. Immediately below we invite you to cast your vote for your favorite style. Once you vote you can see which ...
The Pueblo Revival style is one of the few styles that originated in the United States. Native American pueblo architecture directly influenced the style, which has been adapted to both private and public buildings. It works especially well for multifamily houses, which are reminiscent of Native A...
HIGHER QUALITY THAN MOBILE HOMES DIFFICULT TO SELL DUE TO OLD STIGMAS Types of houses by architectural styleNow that you know the different structures that can make up a home, it’s time to dive into the house architecture styles you’ll likely come across. When we talk about house styles...
A log home is a wooden house with logs stacked on top of one another.That is, they do not use planks. This is because the design aims to avoid using nuts and bolts in its architecture, promoting simplicity, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Throughout the 17th Century, log homes were kn...
8. Queen Anne Revival Architecture Lesson & Quiz 9. Gothic Revival | Architecture, Style & Homes Lesson & Quiz 10. Greek Revival Architecture | Overview, Characteristics & Style Lesson & Quiz Ch 2. Architectural Styles Ch 3. Baroque Architecture Ch 4. Modern Architecture Ch 5. Rococo...
Let's start with the stairs then, shall we? Many options have developed over thehistory of staircase architecturefor you to choose from. You can make any of these 15 staircase designs happen from a small duplex house to a luxurious vacation home. ...
We spoke about contemporary interior design style which blends the design styles from various eras, the Modern Design style is from a specific period – the dawn of the 20th century. This style is rooted in German and Scandinavian design styles and architecture. It is all about logic and pract...
Queen Anne houses, a sub-style Victorian architecture, gained popularity in the late 19th century. They exude a sense of grandeur with elaborate turrets, wrap-around porches, and asymmetrical layouts. In these homes, you’ll notice intricate decorative elements like spindlework, patterned shingles,...
US homes began using aluminum and steel siding in the 1940s. Earlier types of house siding, like brick, date as far back as 7,000 BC. When siding became common among American homes, aluminum was the most popular choice, followed by steel. Both styles carried into the 60s when vinyl emer...
Modern homes are sleek, simple, free of frills and are built of organic materials. The father of modern architecture, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, intentionally used nature when designing his modern houses, but over time, even his definition has become more expansive. ...