These hallways are sometimes called as shotgun or dog trot hallways and it is being alike with shot gun house designs. Some of the popular examples of the Florida house are the Bensen House in Grant, the Florida, Plumb House in Clearwater, Florida and the Winchester Symphony House in Eau ...
Related:Types of Architectural Columns|Types of Arches|Types of Bridge| Interesting Backyard Sculpture Ideas | Types of Bracings Used in Construction Different Types of Buildings Below you will find the following: Different buildings Different types of structures Names of buildings Building examples Offic...
such as pavements or the tops of walls subject to weathering. They were used not only in buildings but also to build sewers to drain wastewater from cities. It is in the roofs of these underground drains that the first surviving truearchesin brick are found, a humble beginning for what wo...
coniferssuch aspines(Pinus),spruces(Picea), andlarches(Larix). In the Northern Hemisphere, these forests, calledtaiga, or boreal forests, have prolonged winters and between 250 and 500 mm (10 and 20 inches) ofrainfallannually.Coniferous forestsalso cover mountains in manytemperateparts of the ...
and Netflix. The yellow arches are one of the most identifiable examples of letterform logos. For consumers, this logo holds a lot of meaning, evening though it is simply a yellow letter ‘M’. These types of logos allow the first letter of their company name to do all the speaking for...
The fire resistance ratings apply to structural building materials, including those used on exterior and interior bearing walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, and arches, as well as floor, ceiling, and roof assemblies. There are 5 main types of buildings according to fire resistance rating: ...
These symmetrical homes were mostly made of brick, along with arches and columns to highlight a grand entrance to the interior of the building.Exterior Style: Defining Features of Southern Colonial Houses Interior Style: Defining Features of Southern Architectural Styles The Reach of the Southern ...
The best types of logo are those that are simple and memorable: Think of Amazon’s a-to-z arrow or McDonald’s golden arches. Both are instantly recognizable logos that have come to represent their respective brands—so much so that the companies often don’t need to include their name ...
Common Types of Bridges by Function AQUEDUCT/VIADUCT BRIDGE An aqueduct is a “water bridge” in Latin. The Romans used arched aqueducts to carry water from one place to another. A viaduct is a roadway elevated by a series of arches over an extended distance. CULVERT Culverts aren’t techni...
A brand is a specific feature that identifies a company's products and services. This feature can be a name, slogan, logo, or design. Some common examples include the Nike swoosh, the Golden Arches, or the Maxwell House slogan "Good to the Last Drop." When you see or hear these, ther...