Electronic circuits are developed using individual or discrete electronic components with different sizes, such that the cost and size of these discrete circuits increase with the number of components used in the circuit. To conquer this negative aspect, the integrated circuit technology was developed ...
in the amplifier circuits, field-effect transistors work within the saturation region. So in this region, the flow of current does not depend on drain voltage (VD) but the current is the main function of the Gate voltage (VG) simply. In these amplifiers, normally the operatingg point is...
Previous progress on injected-beam, non reentrant crossed-field forward-wave amplifiers has resulted in tubes capable of large bandwidth, high power, good efficiency but capable of only moderate gain. Until recently, most of the work on this type of device has been done on tubes of circular ...
Power Amplifiers Power amplifier classes Power amplifier circuits (output stages) are classified as A, B, AB and C for analog designs, and class D and E for switching designs based on the proportion of each input cycle (conduction angle), during which an ...
Types of linear circuits used in electronic projects include operational amplifiers, timers and waveform generators that produce electrical waveforms known as sine waves, square waves and triangle waves. Audio Electronic Projects Audio electronic projects include the design and construction of high pass, ...
These are small transformers found inside electronic circuit boards, especially in power supplies, amplifiers, televisions, radios, inverters, etc. They are made by winding wire over donut-shaped ferromagnetic cores. The types of transformers are not limited to those mentioned above. There are several...
It has the characteristics of stability and good anti-interference performance. Like the low-frequency circuit, the resonator is also the basic component of the radio frequency circuit. It is widely used in filters, oscillators, frequency meters and adjustable In circuits such as amplifiers. The ...
Different Types of Semiconductor Wafers Wafer Type Crystal Structure Electron Mobility Bandgap Type Applications Silicon Covalent lattice Moderate Indirect Logic circuits, microprocessors Gallium Arsenide Zinc-blende Remarkable Direct RF devices, microwave amplifiers ...
i/p voltage, then it is named as positive feedback. Direct feedback is another name of this positive feedback. Because positive feedback generates unnecessary distortion; it is not often used in amplifiers. But, it amplifies the original signal power and can be used in oscillator circuits. ...
The types of chips produced bysemiconductor companiescan be categorized in two ways. Usually, chips are categorized in terms of their functionality. However, they are sometimes divided into types according to the integrated circuits (ICs) used. When looked at according to functionality, the fou...